Thursday, September 6, 2007


So, I had the fundraiser on Tuesday and overall the turn-out was extremely underwhelming. There was 1 person I knew who wasn't required to come (ie: not Adam or Josh, the program rep). The rest of the people were essentially strangers to me, and thank goodness they came! I made $66 from ticket sales (33 tickets sold) and an additional $30 or so in cash donations. So, THANK YOU if you were kind enough to come out and support my cause, whether or not it was your intention.

I must admit, I was really disappointed with the turn out and in general am feeling bummed about the amount of support (or lack thereof) that I've been getting from friends... I'm hoping that feeling changes, but for now it's pretty prominent.

Taking this weekend off from running, which is kind of exciting! But at the same time I'm a little sad about it... I was just getting used to running, and I know how much it helps me in the longer runs when I'm able to do my shorter maintenance runs during the week. I've been completely devoid of physical activity this week, mostly because I've just been SO busy, but next week I'm going to start phasing in some activity to get back on the wagon.

Hope you all had a wonderful labor day!