Tuesday, July 24, 2007

D O U B L E - D I G I T S

If you can believe (because I still can't), I ran TEN miles on Sunday. TEN! That's 9 more miles than I've ever run in my life! It was also the most physically exhausting experience of my life. But, I must admit, I am really proud of the progress I, and my fellow trainees, are making.

After our 2.5 hour run on Sunday, I ran over to pick up the last ingredients for the 50 cupcakes I was making for the bar night fundraiser I was having, and headed home. After taking a break to read some Harry Potter, I set to work baking and made three kinds of delicious cupcakes which I was selling for $3 a piece at the bar.

Thanks to those who came out on Sunday to support me and my cause!! I really, truly appreciate it. The turnout was less than I had hoped. A lot of people who said they were going to show up didn't, and I ended up grossing less than half of what I was hoping :( And 90% of what I did make was through donations, not through cupcakes or the bar contribution... Oh well, it's a slow road toward $2800, but I'm taking it one step at a time.

This Sunday? 12 miles.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Fundraising Alert!

So, it's been a long time coming, but I have finally compiled some fliers for my fundraiser at The Missouri Lounge (2600 San Pablo Ave @ Parker) in Berkeley. Margaret was kind enough to use her skills and put a flier together for me. Her flier (the first) puts mine (the second) to shame...

and mine

Anyway, I'm hoping the event will be great. Mitchell's djing and I'm selling cupcakes and other goodies. I get 10% of the drink profits for the night, but I'm also asking for a "recommended" donation of $10. Since this is one of two fundraising events I've got solidified, I'm going to try to make it as lucrative as possible. So please, come join us and bring some friends!

See you Sunday!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Gadget Goodies

If you know me then you know I'm a sucker for gadgets and tech goodies. Well, I am so thrilled with my marathoning gadget that I just have to tell everyone about it! Nike and iPod have come together to create the Nike+iPod line. The way it works is that the sensor (on or in your shoe) connects to a wireless receiver you plug into your iPod. That sensor tells the receiver how far you've gone and what your minute per mile pace is. A lovely woman's voice pops in every so often to tell you that you've gone 1, 2,3 and so on miles. I tried this out for the first time yesterday when I ran my 7 miler and it was INCREDIBLE. You also select a "power song" that the iPod plays for you when it feels your pace slowing down in order to perk you back up. Now, every time I sync my iPod with my computer the iPod uploads my running information for archiving. It really is revolutionary.

That's my little tid bit. Running is going well, but I'm nervous for the 8 miles we're running this weekend... I'll survive.

Fundraising is going OK. Thank you to all who have donated so far. I still have a ways to go, so PLEASE DONATE!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Week 6! German Silva Kicks Butt!

I ran six miles this morning and can't believe it! Our group was small today as two of our members were out of town, one unexpectedly didn't show, and then there was me and C. C and I ran alongside two new members DZ and JR, whose first run with the program was today. We ran six miles (they ran 4 since they just started)... C and I really did a great job of staying ahead of pace and of motivating and supporting one another. It was really awesome. We ran 6 miles in 1hr 14 minutes (almost exactly on pace!!). Although I felt like today was the most physically trying, I also felt like today was the most emotionally supportive.

So far I've raised just over $300 (THANK YOU! to those who have contributed so far), so I am feeling good about fundraising. I've confirmed a movie at The Parkway ("Valley Girl" on September 04), and am working on another film at another theatre. Also, I've confirmed a bar night at The Missouri Lounge on July 22 with Mitchell as the night's DJ! I've also got a date set for another, more substantial event, but I've got so much work to do for it that I'm not even going to give any details...

Still on the job hunt, still working out and training, and still asking for your contributions! You can donate at:http://aidsmarathon.com/participant.asp?runner=SF-5133&EventCode=LV07