Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy New Year - I'm Never Going to Run AGAIN!

Hey all, sorry to have been so lacking on the blog front...

Anyway, I ran the marathon! It took me 7 hours and 15 minutes, but I finally made it across that finish line and I have all of you to thank for it. It was a miserable 7 hours and change, and I am most excited to never running another day in my life. We started at 46 degrees at 4:30am waiting for the start, and I finished at 52 degrees around 1pm happy to be done. There were masses of runners, a few hundred of whom got married at the 5 mile mark at a collective run-through wedding ceremony, a few hundred Elvii(isn't that the plural of Elvis?) - which got them into the Guiness Book of World Records, performances by the Blue Man Group (as well as many other entertainers along the way...), and then a lot of ice and rest and fried foods to compensate.

It would have been an impossible endeavor if it hadn't been for the support of my friends and family. For your strength and support I am eternally greatful. With all your help we raised over $4,000 to support HIV/AIDS efforts in the bay area. Collectively the program raised over $500,000 for the SF AIDS Foundation during this marathon season.

Thank you again, and all the best to you and yours for a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2008.

Now it's the first day back in the office of 2008, and I've got to get going.

Here are some photos from the marathon for your enjoyment: