Sunday, June 3, 2007

T-Minus One Week...

For those of you who don't know, I'm running the Las Vegas Marathon on December 02, 2007 on behalf of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation to raise funds which will provide vital services for the organization, and primarily for those living with HIV/AIDS. There are two reasons I am doing this: I used to work for the organization that facilitates the training for the marathon, and I appreciate what they do for the cause. However, if it hadn't been for the death of my best friend in January I would never have committed to this program. Amy was so committed to being fit and having fun while doing it that I decided I should embrace her love of a healthy, happy lifestyle and run this marathon in her honor.

So, one week from today begins my marathon training! I'll run every Sunday morning at 8am at the Berkeley Marina (so early!!!) with my other East Bay participants. I went to our "kick-off" party yesterday and learned a bit more about what to expect, tried to win a couple of raffles, and then went over to Sports Basement in the Marina to buy the essentials (water bottle, anti-chaffing stick (apparently it's important), shoes, shorts, visor, etc.). I'm feeling really excited for it all, but also REALLY apprehensive. I'm so out of shape!! I've started moving on my fundraising endeavors, so keep an eye out for those coming up in the next few months (movie night at the Parkway, a Casino Night hopefully, and letters you'll all be getting in the mail).

This blog is where I'll complain about how sore I am, keep track of how much weight I'm losing, and share with you guys any fun stories or experiences. I expect it'll be mostly me complaining A LOT about how much running sucks, but hopefully my opinion of running will change.

See you next week!